
How to paginate API responses

Page-based pagination

The majority of our API endpoints use standard page-based pagination.

  • page: the page number
  • per_page: the number of items returned per page (default: 25, max: 100)

To set these values, pass them as query parameters in your request. For example, in a list organizations GET request, to return the first page at 50 items per page:

curl --request GET \
     --url '' \
     --header 'Authorization: TOKEN_ID:TOKEN_SECRET' \
     --header 'accept: application/json'

Cursor-based pagination

For API endpoints with large result sets, we use cursor-based pagination.

Cursor endpoints will return the following in their payload.

  • cursor_start: The ID of the first item returned.
  • cursor_end: The ID of the last item returned.
  • has_next: Whether there is a next page of results.
  • has_prev: Whether there is a previous page of results.

For example:

"type": "list",
"has_next": true,
"has_prev": false,
"cursor_start": "b34zxm9mkz7g",
"cursor_end": "eeq8f2lwrlum",
"data": []

Cursor-based query parameters

To pagination records, the following query parameters are available:

  • starting_after: The public_id of the last item in the previous page.
  • ending_before: The public_id of the first item in the next page.
  • limit: The number of items to return. Default DEFAULT_LIMIT.

For example, use the following to retrieve to items after eeq8f2lwrlum.

curl --request GET \
     --url '' \
     --header 'Authorization: TOKEN_ID:TOKEN_SECRET' \
     --header 'accept: application/json'